Friday, February 15, 2008

oh esky, you're incorrigible!

now people, i love esquire magazine. 

don't get me wrong here: i know it is at times nothing more than a base fashion magazine ("how to wear a white polo shirt with khakis, v.III" or whatever). but, like a good friend with bad habits, i love it still. it was a staple posting spot for capote and hemingway (yes, that hemingway) back in the day and it continues to be a source of useful knowledge, clever tid-bits and not-too-many full page glossy adds of emaciated dudes in tailored suits. now, all that aside:

at the end of an issue, they usually post little obituaries which are, at times, very funny indeed. i thought i would share this one with you because it made me laugh out loud:

"A Pleasant Conversation, 2 Minutes, Dies:
A pleasant conversation with a guy on line at the deli died Thursday.  It was two minutes old. Until its demise, the conversation centered on the day's unusually moderate temperatures. "It's the sort of day that makes you want to call in sick to work," the first guy pointed out. To which the second guy said, "Yeah, like how hundreds of Jews who worked in the Twin Towers called in sick on 9/11." It is survived by a tense silence." 

maybe it's because i watched so much mell brooks as a kid, but i love a good quip at how stupid anti-semites are. what a bunch of f***ing retards (anti-semites that is, not those making the quips.)

(to clarify: jews good.)

(to further clarify: nazis bad.)

1 comment:

Nobody Famous said...

i should read esquire.

dude, don't worry about the whole thing about e-mails and contacting and shit. i'm guilty, too.

now, let's try to get together some time, because we're cool and yeah. stuff.

later, dude.