Monday, February 25, 2008

interesting v. boring

zondo action team is a go. 

well, more accurately, we're still doing the countdown. we're at t-minus several years but at least we're checking to see if the ship is fueled and stuff. and that none of the astronauts are drunk.  the website should be live and kicking soon too, what with the second round of mock-ups about to hit the team in time for it's weekly meeting. 

in other - perhaps more boring? - news, this weekend is the joint tony-and-drew birthday extravaganza. in a - perhaps more interesting? - upshoot of this being a leap year, the 29th falls directly between tony and my birthdays. the haps seems to be that we are going to the point break live show here in l.a. but who knows what will happen. my inclination is to buy a bottle of scotch and watch conan the barbarian and to hell with planning anything beyond that. if people - however boring or interesting - want to show up, well, that's their beef. 

alright. i'm out. later, cyber-boners. 

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