yesterday i had this sudden yen to read a whole bunch about william f. buckley, jr., one of my personal heroes. now, before i go any further, let me say this: whatever your views on his political philosophy (or any other philosophy for that matter), you have to admire the man's ability to courageously change his mind, value ideas and intelligence above all else and regularly engage his total willpower to world-shifting results. the guy is a badass.
i read a bunch of articles and stuff. i even made this screen-print with the intention of making a william f. buckley, jr. t-shirt to show my appreciation for such a totally awesome dude:

then this morning on the radio i learned that william f. buckley, jr. had (in fact just this morning!) died. i'm no so much saddened by the whole thing - he had a good run and accomplished much more in his lifetime than most people ever dream of. his obituary mentioned among other things "television host," "philosopher", "editor in chief" of national review (the political magazine with the highest US circulation), and "trans-oceanic sailor."
what a man.
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