Wednesday, January 30, 2008


color, man. dig it.
i've been researching color theory this morning, trying to learn a thing or two about it. interesting - if convoluted - stuff. i won't bore you with the details but i thought i would post the munsell color system diagram. it's a work of art unto itself: 
actually, pretty awesome indeed! like a terrordrome of color. you know what isn't the least bit awesome not even a little? statistics. yes, i, drew, am enrolled in an online statistics class ... again. after my first attempt failed abysmally, i decided to mount that pile of flesh and bones and whip that dead horse into a gallop once more! we'll see if my powers of bestial-necromancy can conquer the unholy might of (semi) practical data interpolation! in hindsight, i should have taken this class freshman year when all that knowledge from high school was still juicy and steaming, not now that i'm an old fart work-a-day dumbass like everyone else. 

woah - "juicy and steamy?" gross, man. 

anyway, i've never felt stupider. on the other hand, the lengths to which my virtual professor, one michael fahy, goes to endear this terrible dull class to college students is admirable. for instance, one question on our initial assignment involved calculating the age of a very young mother given rough data about how her age corresponded to her son's. as if to say: "you found the answer and now you know the horrible truth ... john's mother was 22 when she had him! wear a jimmy-hat, kids!" in another one, you had to write an equation for figure out the alcoholic content of a mixture of juice and vodka given that vodka has a 40% alcoholic content. i spent a good 30 minutes trying to remember the name of that drink (it's s screwdriver, right?) and then gave up. me am dumbs. still, college kids love drinking and hate statistics so maybe if you give them both, it'll be a wash, right? right, michael fahy? 
maybe. seriously, though. i commend his effort. for all the trouble, he could have just as easily given us work out of some dusty old book. or not even offered this online class. then i'd have a 100% chance of not graduating from college. 

editor's note: interestingly enough, michael fahy is also the name of a irish politician who was sentenced to jail for one year for messin' with government funds. 

editor's note, part 2: the original title of this blog was "asstitstics." get it? ass-tits-tics? but that seemed crude and not in keeping with the whole idiom we've got going here. so we changed it to sass-tistics. like we're being sassy. which we are. 

...and handsome.  

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