coffee. coffee. coffee.
my day is defined by my coffee intake. one cup in the morning. sometimes another at lunch. certainly one after lunch or about 5 o'clock or so. another when i get home at night (8:30 or so). logically, i've been doing some research on the benefits / detriments of coffee on one's health. it's seems like eggs - frequently changing sides of the healthy / not healthy debate. so here's me, riding the raggedy edge of possibly being healthy.
my mood? oh, i'm much better, thanks for asking. yesterday was an overwhelming day. it was a snowball kind of day, you know?
at the top of the day one little thing set off rolling down the hill and all through the day it picked up other little things and pretty soon this huge ball of tiny, individual, unique little problems was careening towards the tiny village the bottom of the hill - drewville.
the art is even going better (quickly approaching mediocrity!). i started a new piece this morning and it looks pretty nice so far. it's interesting, you know: i've always just doodled with a pen on notebook paper and somehow it landed me here drawing for a living. now i'm trying to teach myself all this color and painting theory so i can actually make decent looking junk. at the same time, i have to learn as quick as possible so each day i have a little task. yesterday was blue robot day - figure out metallic textures and posing and stuff. today was green dragon - totally different textures and lines. a couple days ago i did a human face and it turned out pretty cool. soon i need to do landscapes. but here i am rambling when you possibly want to sort-of see what i'm talking about:

so hopefully these don't look awful. like i said, i spend less than a day on each one (actually more like 2-4 hours). i'll keep posting works in progress here as i go along. and i'll keep touching these two up and posting new versions (hopefully).
...back to "work."
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